Austin February Events

System - Monday, January 20, 2014

In Austin, February is the month with some of the best weather of the year – and plenty to do to keep busy.  Here are some upcoming events for the month that locals might find interesting.

Now Through Feb 14 - Hyde Park Theater Frontera Fest 

A combination of off-beat theater delivering various works from local theaters and artists.  Check out the FULL SCHEDULE for fun and affordable showcases.

FEB 1 – Carnival Austin

Carnival Austin is one of the largest and most spirited Brazilian showcases outside of the country itself.  With Samba, wild costumes and a festive atmosphere like no other locally, this event is a can't-miss for folks seeking a unique entertainment experience.

FEB 1 - Modern Home Tour
If you have a love of modern homes and want to get a look at some amazing displays of modernism then this is a can't-miss for you.

FEB 6 – First Thursday
South Congress comes alive once a month with a variety of live music, artisan displays, and great food.

FEB 6 – West End Art / First Thursday

Enjoy a walk through some of Austin's finest art scene.

FEB 6-9 – Rancho Alegro Conjunto Festival

Celebrates Conjunto power and some terrific Tejano Music.

FEB 12 – Nerd Nite Austin
Austin celebrates it's weirdness with offbeat presentations, mixers and events geared toward the local 'nerd scene'.  “Be there, and be square”

FEB 16 – Livestrong Austin Marathon & Half Marathon

Take a run with other Austinites along some of the city's most historic and scenic sites.

Feb 19 – 22   Austin Energy Regional Science Festival

One of the largest of it's kind, featuring projects, presentations and exhibits from over 3,000 students ranging from the 3rd to the 12th grade.

FEB 21 – Cowboy Breakfast
Kicks off the 2014 Austin Rodeo with trick ropers, chainsaw artists, live music and more.

FEB 21-23 – Austin Jugglefest

Celebrating its 21st year, Jugglefest is a weekend long event full of workshops, games, demonstrations, and shows featuring juggling, unicycling, and related circus arts.

FEB 22 – 23  - That Takes the Cake!

Formed to provide people who are interested in sugar arts the opportunity to share and network with others who have similar interests 

FEB 23 – Kosher Chili Cookoff
Takes place at the “J”, for 8 years this family-friendly event has drawn teams of chili “mavens” from across Austin;  each one convinced their chili recipe has what it takes to win over the judges.